
How to remove the Google search bar?

2018年7月7日 — There is currently no way to hide/remove the search bar from Pixel Launcher. If the bar hurts you a lot, then you need to switch to a different launcher.

Remove the Google Search Bar from the Pixel launcher?

2024年6月1日 — Do you mean, how to remove the navigation bar and the space it takes up (to just use nav gestures)? You can do this with root and a magisk ...

There is no way to remove the Google bar, is there?

2024年2月4日 — Go to Settings > Apps > See all Apps, then the Google app and disable it. That removed the search bar, but also disables some Google features ...

Removing the Google search bar on homepage

2024年7月13日 — No, the search bar and the at-a-glance widget can't be removed from the Pixel Launcher. The only way to get rid of them is to use a 3rd party launcher.

How to remove the Google Search bar from any Android ...

2024年2月14日 — Open Settings, then open Apps. · In the All apps list, find Google app, or just Google, tap it, and select Disable. · Reboot your phone and the ...

Is there any way to remove the Google search bar from ...

2021年10月29日 — The search bar cannot be removed from the bottom of the home screen, it's part of the Pixel Launcher. However, 3rd party launchers are available ...

How to remove the Google Search bar from home screen?

2023年11月5日 — Go to Settings > click on Apps > click on All Apps or scroll down until you see Google app > click Disable > Restart your tablet & the search bar should be ...


2018年7月7日—Thereiscurrentlynowaytohide/removethesearchbarfromPixelLauncher.Ifthebarhurtsyoualot,thenyouneedtoswitchtoadifferentlauncher.,2024年6月1日—Doyoumean,howtoremovethenavigationbarandthespaceittakesup(tojustusenavgestures)?Youcandothiswithrootandamagisk ...,2024年2月4日—GotoSettings>Apps>SeeallApps,thentheGoogleappanddisableit.Thatremovedthesearchbar,butalsodisablessomeGooglefea...